Our lawyers have combined experience of over 100 years handling disputes and providing advice in the insurance industry. We have litigated and tried cases involving virtually all types of insurance issues in property and casualty matters, as well as many disputes arising in the life and health context. We have advised both domestic and foreign insurers regarding policy wordings, relations with producers, reserve and reinsurance issues, “other insurance” technicalities, bad faith claims, class actions, MGA relationships, insolvency and guaranty association issues, premium recovery and many other complex concerns.

Our lawyers actually try cases, which gives us significant leverage in dealing with tough or unreasonable adversaries, while also instilling in us the ability to focus on the important points necessary to efficiently resolve disputes. We have appeared in coverage litigation in 40 states and have a network of local counsel prepared to work with us efficiently to avoid duplication and manage expenses.

That’s where we come in. Our firm’s insurance coverage-related pedigree is virtually unparalleled. Our group, led by Daniel Schlessinger, an internationally-renowned insurance coverage lawyer and former chairman and managing partner of one of the world’s most prominent insurance law firms, consists of lawyers who have deep experience analyzing and litigating the most minute details of a wide variety of commercial policies and forms, including Comprehensive General Liability (“CGL”), Excess Liability, Professional Liability, Directors and Officers Liability, Municipal Liability, Bermuda Form, Manuscript, Environmental Impairment Liability, and Data Security Liability. There are few insurance issues that are foreign to us. In fact, given that we helped insurers draft many of their policies while we were on the other side of the “v,” we tend to know a lot more about the various provisions contained in many insurance policies than the adjusters and lawyers who work for insurance companies. If you are looking to file a considerable claim, or if your company has a significant claim that has already been denied, give us a call. Often, we are so confident in our views of an insurance policy that we are willing to take a case on a contingency basis where you don’t pay unless we obtain a recovery.

41.877470°N, 87.636260°W
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